A View into “Leave the World Behind” — a Guide to Humanism.
An interesting post caught my eye today Morning, “So many Tesla Cars up on the road, all wrecked up and apparently they haven’t even got Permission from Elon Musk”
When I saw that clip, curiosity tipped me off and immediately turned to Netflix at 8 Am.
“Leave the World Behind” directed by Sam Esmail
Damn! The movie was an absolute Winner.
From being the most engaging with mystery and multiple connected reasoning, the movie keeps you on toes wanting to know how it all ends.
But that’s the point! Right? ;)
So there are few parts of it that I really want to talk about.
- The Three Tier Method to Distangle the country from Inside.
Heard of this story?
The one where when the oxen were together, the Lion couldn’t hunt them and so the fox suggested a plan to separate them and hunt them down one after one.
The story that we usually quoted for, “Unity is Strength. Right?
Now hearing this point come in, especially from a Movie directed by Barack Obama, it felt surreal as if he was warning people to be united. No matter what.
If we think about it, its the Simple — clean fundamentals. But when we look at it deeper, the most cost-effective and strategic way to get rid of competition would be to disengage the opponent from the Inside than looking at it from the periphery.
A Simple Psych thought,
Nothing Spoils Iron like its own Rust
2. Lifestyle & People
This part of the Movie was a reality check.
The Girl constantly reminding her Dad of how White people shouldn’t be trusted, how privillaged they are. The lady being constantly paranoid and while the kids act completely haywire.
Its a reminder of how we see through life. With current scenario, its essential to be extra careful. But, are we putting everything for later while we focus just on that?
That’s a question worth pondering.
Another important aspect of this segment was how Clay said, “Its impossible for me to do something without Cellphone or GPS. I feel Useless.”
Isn’t it a reminder for all of us? Who are we if we do not have the Mobile Phones or the Internet with us?
Right now, at this moment- you are reading this.
What would happen if you do not have access to the internet for 48 hours?
Worth Thinking. Right?
Everyone focussed on Racism and the discussion, “I’m asking you to remember that if the world falls apart, trust should not be doled out easily to anyone, especially white people.”
People Forget, the primary aspect of the movie is collapsed Value Systems and teenager broughtup.
Did you see how Ruth was totally paranoid that Clay would have sex with her?
How Archie took pictures of Ruth and shanked with her unauthorised pictures?
How Rose got so emotionally attached to a fictional character as if she didn’t have a life of her own?
Now, these are the fators I want you to think about.
If you cannot fix problems within you — you cannot fix problems in your house.
And if you cannot fix problems in your house, how do you match up to society?
Go Ask Yourself!
3. High Profile People & the Privilege of Having a ‘HeadsUp’
Remember the scene where G.H. unraveled the biggest illusion of life & people?
“We think the world is controlled by a group of people & organization. But in reality, nothing is in control. And all you could have is a HeadsUp.”
When he spoke about hacks like Love You Bug or the Cuba events, it was all speculation. But the ones that originated with minor implications or major root causes.
When everyone thought, the happenings of the movie were also one such instance, that’s when the three-tier cost-effective civil war strategy came in.
The question is, What if All small origin events have a Big Connection between them? At the end of the day, everyone wants Power. Don’t they?
Now, as a summary, I would love to say it's all about delusion and the possible precautions. The Movie is a psychological thriller. So what more to expect?
Before we conclude, few things to ponder upon:
- How dependent are we on Technology? How can it affect us? How Safe are we? What is our Plan B?
- How do we have our Personal Lives? The Lives we cannot share with anyone else? the Vulnerability. True love is when you are Vulnerable to the same person you spend your life with. Are you able to do that?
- Often getting paranoid is the reason for turning on each other. Though Racism and every other difference exists, do we realize that we are all we have at the end of the day? And if anyone can save us, it's Us.
- Raise kids in today’s world? — how? Paranoid? Taking pics of a girl? A girl drowned in an iPad without being happy? Bonded to devices without a good scene outside the window? Is this the Future of Generations and Parenting?
Now, some Speculations and Assumptions:
The Movie is a derivative of a book. Okay. But produced by Obama? An ex-president producing such a Movie…. well…..?
Remember the Man Danny? The one who was prepared with all necessities. He had a Washington DC flag in his home.
While the primary plot revolved around. ‘being prepared’ and having a ‘heads Up’, isn’t the flag just a stranger coincidence?
I’m not obsessed with movies — but this one! It’s one hell of a movie!
With COVID-19 & some being “prepared” and lots doomed, with the ongoing warnings in Iran, Palestinians, and everything around the world — isn’t there a common plot?
A plot of disentangling one after one?
And India?
Well! The religious riot is happening more adversely than anyone ever thought!
Racism, regionalism, religionism, sexism, every damn thing!
This is a story that doesn’t necessarily provide answers but asks fundamental questions about how we live, how we think, and who we trust.
Though the Movie doesn’t conclude with a Firm Answer, Rose got her ending while we didn’t.
But ultimately, the most important conclusion we needed was given.
The minute G.H. Took the Gun to save Archie Amanda jumped in to Save Ruth.
They win because they trusted, irrespective of their differences. And that’s proven!
So if you think the movie is about Racism — no it’s Humanism!