Flying within Boundaries, but still — Managing to Fly :D
I’m a Kite surrounded by Birds.
Held up by a thread that’s cannot hold it for long.
Grazing through the bright blue sky that doesn’t feel it’s limits.
Do you know what it is? Or how it’ll be? When you are the only one with heights limited?
Probably No. But let me tell you this:
> The length of your Height doesn’t determine your Depth.
> How high you can go is independent of how deep you can Flow.
At the end of the day, you choose.
If you wanna be the Seagull scratching the surface of the ocean just within it’s perimeter, stalling with us Tribe.
Use the sky as the Launchpad, to go as high as you can — like the eagle scaling the boundaries, of the distant land you haven’t been to.
Know what the Irony is?
Be it the limitless Birds or the limited kite,
Both our heights are limited. But I just don’t get suffocated while you cannot handle the pressure.