Hola! Howdy! Hello!
Greetings folks! This is Saranya Narayana Moorthy; today we will speak about the one emotion that torments almost every other being in the world.
Though many of us might either be expressing anger or be a victim of it, there may be many times in life when we sit back, or we sit in with a rigid foundation of ourselves and ask, “Why am I not able to control my anger?” or, “Why is the other person showing me so much anger?”
I’m not going to teach you ways to control your anger, or ways to dissipate it or be free from it.
But I’m going to tell you how you can understand anger. Because to control any emotion, you need to have awareness and understanding.
We will form a bridge between being aware of and understanding this one emotion so that you can do what it takes to move on to the next level of your healing journey.
Every time you’re angry, you become reckless. The anger inside you doesn’t have limits. You don’t understand what’s right or wrong or don’t differentiate between a loved one and an enemy when you’re angry. All you do is throw yourself up over the other person and the situation and thrash it all out till you calm down. At that moment, you know nothing other than expressing your truest emotion. And that’s okay….
The one thing you shouldn’t do is control your anger. Because the more you push it inside you, it becomes similar to the heap of a volcano, ready to erupt at any time, not always in the face of emotion, but in ways like ailments or other aspects of life, health, and well-being. We might’ve been in many circumstances where we have expressed professional anger in our personal spaces. You have had so much rigidity in yourself that you give an invitation to a lot of autoimmune diseases.
When you cannot control that moment of anger and relook at it later on, you realize that it was a surge of emotion you couldn’t get a hold of. Or something that went out of our control completely. And many times, when this happens in one situation, it doesn’t stay aligned to that sole situation. It may be a belief that we have withheld, it may be a trauma that was triggered, or it could be something that you’re afraid of, and someone points it out to you. It may also be a thought process that erupted. For example, You may get angry when someone tries to control your choice of clothing. Your anger comes in when someone challenges you or your thought processes.
Your thought processes happen at the subconscious and even your unconscious level. The feeling of anger is not just limited to a response to someone’s words, it can also be something you understand out of their work or the meaning you make of it.
People might say, “Don’t walk a lot; take a rest.” But the message conveyed to you is: Why are you working so hard? Why can’t you step back? These are the thought processes that trigger anger and not your situation.
What we need to do is, instead of succumbing to anger and the guilt after it, sit back and realize how the whole thing plays out.
Ask yourself: ‘Why did I feel that emotion?’ Or ‘Why did I get angry?’ Or ‘What emotion played in me the most?’, ‘Why did it offend me?’ More ‘what’ and ‘why’ questions and a deeper analysis of yourself will reveal your truest self and help you understand the reason for the emotions playing out the way they did. The moment you discover this, it’s going to be a light-on moment for you.
Every step you take towards discovering yourself will bring back more to you. Not just in terms of emotions and control but in terms of awareness, understanding, and exhibiting your truest self. We’re all biological species. And when we understand ourselves, we move one step forward in understanding others. And that is when empathy comes into play. With more empathy, you magnetize yourself, and this, in turn will bring to you everything in abundance: Love, support, care, opportunities, responsibilities, etc.
The next time you feel anger, let the emotion flow; it’s okay. But after that, run a thorough self-discovery session to understand why you did what you did. Controlling something at its peak is not the right thing to do. But understanding its trust self and preventing it the next time it is to occur is the cure.
I hope you got enough tips to maintain and manage anger. See you in our next blog.