The 75day Powerhouse Challenge — your Metamorphosis
That’s it, I have decided to do it.
Earlier, for almost a year and half, I have been trying to get my shit together. Although I ended up doing the little elements needed to get it closer, I couldn't complete it to or even getting close to having the elements together.
And today, when I look at myself — I am not satisfied.
This isn’t how I would want myself to look like.
Yes, my days are productive. My Business is good. My food habits have changed to better, my sleep patterns are good, money is coming in, my relationships are great. Everything is good.
But, Here’s the thing.
And there is nothing you could say that would make it false.
I am not in my best shape.
I am not in my best productive day
I am not giving my best in work
I am not having total control of my discipline and self resilience.
If you had observed me for quite sometime, you would know — I believe in self mastery. I want to be the best version of myself and continually keep growing. This doesn’t mean being burnt out or working 80 hours a week. I would prefer working 10 hours a week — and still give my best.
Giving my best in terms of output, results and most essentially — IMPACT.
If I do this — I believe I am on top of the world. But lately, I felt as if I am off the game.
I felt it too deeply, that today — the world sent me a sign.
30th and 31st are the most exciting days of the month for me.
I reset, check the previous month, have goals for the next month, keep the next things before me, and plan for the days ahead.
And today — I felt a strong sign.
This is it! Today is the day. And let me begin.
So, as of today, I am planning to take up the 75 day challenge that would begin right from the next sunrise.
Yes. So a 75 day powerhouse challenge would have a holistic transformation goal. They say — do not focus on too many things once as you might drop the ball. But this time, i am determined.
I mean, what’s there to lose?
If I miss the streak, I am simply gonna restart it and go on from there.
My Goals for the next 75 days are as follows:
I would classify my goals into departments:
- Health
- Business
- Professional Growth
- Soul Fulfillment
- Personal Growth
Now under these, I have varied activities that I think to be the best elements to make my day in the best way.
For me, health would be two things: Eating right and giving the body, its own movements.
On this note, I would further segregate this into:
Being Vegan which means, cooking everyday + eating a good combination of fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds.
Moving the body at least thrice a day. I prefer having smooth movements in any form of dance + mobility/flow workouts and completing 10k steps minimum in a day
Now once after this, taking care of skin, by which I mean eradicating cracks in the feet & get rid of Keratosis Pilaris
These would cover health goals for me.
When it comes to Business, I prefer doing my daily stream of:
Content Publishing on YouTube, LinkedIn, and Marketing Auditor Instagram. This helps me a lot in brand building and inbound lead generation.
Working on other forms of Inbound Lead Generation
Refreshing the CRM, Pipeline and follow ups
Handle client assignments, carry out tasks and complete consultation calls
Professional growth is a primary part of my everyday. Since I am in this Independent consulting space, I would prefer having a fair share of:
Learning Something new
Documenting my Business in the form of a Business Journal
Talking with at least two new people every day
Reading book
Creating Content in form of business concepts, one per day would be my metrics of measurement
This is something I realised recently. If your soul isn’t clear as it should be, it is not possible for you to focus and work right.
For me, in this space — time well spent is important. And for that, more than being in the most essential space, being focussed is highly valuable. So to retain that focus, I surely need to keep my mind sane. Hence for that:
Mindful Journal
Meditation Everyday
Sky Time/Time with Nature and Nothing in Mind
Family Time
Personal growth is the most important part of the day. To ensure that it isn’t something that is taken lightly, I put it at last — to give you the perception:
Infact, its the priority. So my personal growth would entail:
Waking up early
Having open communication everyday
Publishing my Podcast/blog about what I discover on a daily basis
Being more thoughtful along the day
Writing at least a piece of poem/writeup
Having my Gratitude right
So at the end of it, as I write this out completely, I understand how challenging and severe the next 75 days will be. Let me tell you this straight.
Some days can be tough, I might even break down. But one thing is:
Its a Metamorphosis. The process that a caterpillar goes on to — to ensure it transforms into a butterfly.
And I am sure, with a little Midas touch — I can accomplish this in just 75 days.
So with that being said, I couldn’t keep this up for the last 1 and a half years. But something says I can do it now.
So I am posting this publically today and getting started with this.
This is gonna be a wholesome transformation for a person as a Business Owner and on a personal level. SO here I start with this.
If you would like to start this with me — send me a DM and let’s be accountable.
I will keep sharing my progress every single day over Medium and Instagram and let’s keep up with the process.
With Persistance & Faith,
$aranya Narayana Moorthy