I am not going o discuss what the topic today is but am going to take you deeper to get to you what you’re destined to get so that using your free will, you can take up this information and shape your life to however you want it to be.
Today I ended up with an ‘I don’t know what to do?’ because my whole day was productive.
I was excited to make my day kind of productive because for the past few days, I felt like I hadn’t been working as productively as my potential. And I was a little reluctant to let this take over me. In other words, I was steering my way to getting my bad habits out of the lane, resisting things that could keep me on my limbs and be the person I want to be. For the past 2 months, I have been trying head over heels to resist things, to control, and to do or not do a lot of things.
And ultimately, what I found out was that the more I resist something, or the more I try not to do things because I shouldn’t be doing them, a lot of things take over me that made me feel worse or didn’t let me focus, pulled me down for a lot of reasons and gave me a tough feeling.
And trust me; it felt like there was no way to go ahead in life. That is not the way to resist temptation and keep doing bad things (as in practicing bad habits). Nor is it a good way to bring good habits into your life.
Because when you do something like control, it will not leave a positive influence on you. No matter if the control comes externally from another person or if you couldn’t control it yourself.
People say self-control is vital but trust me, it’s self-discipline that’s vital and not self-control. They’re both two different things, like day and night.
When you control, you give your mind bad signals. Signals that say, “Shut up and sit down!” You may not like it when someone else says this to you. It may make you want to punch them in the face. Similarly, when you give control to yourself, your mind works the same way.
But on the other hand, what if you don’t follow those controls? Anyway, they’re not gonna be good for you or make you desirable or satisfied. So why do it at all? And that’s when your mind says, “You know what? Just do it!” And though it’s suitable for the moment, maybe if you just resist or avoid it, it’ll be better.
Maybe you might lose out on the first few times, but in the long run, you won’t. Even in the first few times when you do lose out on it, you may feel guilty or “Shit~! Why did I even do that!?” Along with that, various other things come to mind that don’t make you comfortable. And this doesn’t even reciprocate a lot of times. Maybe once, twice, thrice, four times, but soon you will find yourself resisting it or back peddling through it. And after a point in time, you wouldn’t even think of it. And even if you do think of it, your mind will just push it out somehow, like skipping a stone on a sidewalk.
And this one thing comes with discipline. Or also with the stories you tell yourself after every action of yours.
A lady once told me, “It’s not important whether you do it or not do it. What’s important is why you do it or not do it.” This translates to what story or narration or beliefs you hold/tell yourself. The system in your mind is what matters.
And that is when it struck me hard. It made me realize that I did train the dog, but I did it in a narcissistic way that’s not gonna hold on forever. The dog’s simply gonna wait for me to die so that it can experience freedom.
Sometimes this dog is the inner you. And don’t let the narcissistic rules define you. Or don’t let cowardliness ruin who you are.